Wednesday's pattern

Wednesday’s Patterns

I thought I would start a new tradition here at Fresh Off The Hook. Every Wednesday I will post a pattern that I happen upon during my running around the web. It could be anything from a blanket to just a motif to a sweater, it may be knitted or crocheted, whatever tickles my fancy that week.

This week it a really cool motif that someone posted at the “Ville”. The Blog is called Undisthreadness and the motif is called 16-Circles Square
This is one that I can’t wait to try out. I see it as a baby blanket, too bad I don’t know anyone expecting but I could donate it. Please, check out her blog as she has other wonderful motif’s.

Happy Hooking


First FO of the Year!!

Well, this is the first finished object of the year. I started in Dec, and would of had it finished sooner but you know how it is there’s always something new to start.

The Irish Hiking Scarf is now done. It was a very, very easy pattern. Now, I have only done cables once before and this one was super simple. If you are wanting to have a go at cables THIS is the pattern to use.



I use the Bernat yarn
in softee chunky and it made such a warm, thick, and wonderful scarf. I’m sending this one out to you Mom. I told you I would have it done before spring! LOL

Now, I still have the things for the fund raiser, the PS and drum afghans, and a hat for hubby. Maybe I should look for a few more things to make????


Starting blanket-palooza!

Well, in my need to make more blankets for my family, I finally start on one for Alesa’s room. Yes, I know I have been saying that for awhile now, but I really have found the perfect blanket for her room. It came from a CAL over at the Ville’ called the Drum Afghan. I’ve already have one panel made and ready to start on the next.



The panel is 13 color changes high and will be 11 panels wide. I having a hard time with the color changes though, I’m not good with making stripes so I’m using this handy tool. It’s call the strip generator and is really helpful. I’ll be making one for Ryan just like this only using blues, grays and the blue camo. That one should be really cool looking.

Happy Hooking!


Out sick

My whole house was out sick this weekend. Our Dr. has given us meds for the flu and those have helped loads. The kids had it pretty bad, but seem to be doing better now. I still feel a bit under, but I’m sure that will go away soon.

The worse part of the whole thing is I found that in all my years of crocheting, I don’t have but 3 crocheted blankets! *GASP* I know I should have my hooks taken from me. This was the first time that everyone one in the house was sick, and needed some type of blanket or ghan, and I didn’t have enough to go around. (especially after DS kept getting sick on his) I guess being in Texas I thought the few that I did have was enough. Well, that is going to change! I have the PS blanket that is almost done and I will start on a couple easy blankets just to have around the house. I guess I can add a few more things to my ever growing list of things to make.

I’m going to go lay down now.


Busy, with too many things.

Wow, I feel so over whelmed with all of my projects. I have several UFO’s, I started on the Koolhaas hat for hubby, I am working on small projects for a school fund raiser for DD and lest we forget the PS (prairie star afghan).

Well, lets talk about it. I put the Irish Cable Scarf on hold while I started the PS. I’ve been picking it up here and there, but it’s starting to feel like that never ending project. Yes Mom, I would like to get it to you before winter ended! LOL

I was asked last year, in Dec, if I would make a few things for my daughters school fund raiser that they were going to try to have this year. Yes, sure no problem what’s a few little things. I was then told that I would have my own table! eeks I hope she meant on of the kids desks! I had only thought to make a few things, that would set beside other peoples things, makeing then a whole bunch of things. I hope that I’m not the only one that crocheting things, too much pressure. I am going to be making some dish towles. I got a bunch of Suger and Cream yarn for the thrift store that would be great for towles. Some bookmarks. I’m going to use the fan bookmark pattern from my earlier post, and some that are called “Book Thong” These crochet up really fast and I just love the way they look. I also thought about making some coaster. If you have any other ideals or know how much of these things I should make PLEASE feel free to chime in.

PS is comeing alongs slowly this week. I spent most of the week trying to make it bigger. I like what I have come up with so far, but don’t think it is yet big enought for my bed. I’m still working on it, although; I don’t think I can get it made into a square without some large one color motifs. Anyone do Quilting?? How can I make this into a square?

I love the way it looks and wouldn’t mind filling it in with a solid color, but I’m a bit stumped on just how to do it.

I would like to say a special thank you to Cupcake, who’s wonderful fan bookmark pattern I followed for my fan scarf. She was sweet enough to stop by and leave my a wonderful comment, but then she was even sweeter to comment about me on her blog. (what a wonderful comment it was!) THANK YOU!

Well, that’s about all that’s going on in my crocheting world. Hope everyone has a great week-end.


Still working on the Prairie Star

I’ve gotten a bit more done on the PS. My hand have been hurting me lately and this starts out kinda small with the ch4 and then all the crocheting into that ch, it has caused my hands to ache. I thought I would go ahead an post what I have done so far.

I was really getting excited about this pattern but know that it was for a queen sized bed and my bed is a king, so this would be a bit small. Someone at the ‘ville posted a link to a blog where the lady was planning to make hers bigger. She made herself a template so that it would fit her bed. I loved the ideal, but the layout wasn’t for me. So with my NEW Photoshop Elements 6 I went to town. Now, I didn’t make a whole new layout, but I spend all day (and now my hands are killing me from working on the computer all day) copying, coloring and fixing the old PS layout so that I could see what this finished quitghan was going to look like. Later I’ll play around with making it bigger. So here is what the finished ghan will look like.

I am even more excited now then when I didn’t know! There is only one thing I may play with and that is the two cornmeal colors one the corners. I may make those dark sage??


My Fall Prairie Star.

I have really been into fall colors this season, so when Red Heart came out with their new colors back in Oct (?) they had one called “Fall” well, I just had to have it. I also picked up “Carrot” “Light Sage” and “Claret”. I thought I would make some type of afghan but didn’t really know what yet. While looking around Crochetville the other day I found a post where the ladies were getting together to do the Prairie Star ghan. I looked around and I have had this pattern saved on my computer since 2006 so it was time to start working on it.

I started this on Sat and this is where I’m at today.

I’ve had to get two more colors for it, “Cornmeal” and “Dark Sage”. It is a join as you go pattern and it really easy to do once you get going. At first the joining is a bit of a challenge, but you start to get the hang of it after the first 4 or 5. I hope you enjoy!


First post this year!

I thought I would start off this year with a beautiful scarf that I made as a Christmas gift for a crochet friend of mine. It was a super easy pattern to follow, even though it was designed to be a bookmark. You can find that pattern on Crochetroo’s blog. If you scroll down some you will find it listed as American Instruction. I think it makes a super stylish going out scarf. I made it using Caron Simply Soft Heather in Deep Teal.

Of course, I have many more patterns planned for this year and most all I won’t be able to do, because I’ll find even newer patterns that I want to do. lol One that I will do, as soon as I get some size 6 dpn’s and circular needles, is a hat for hubby. The hat is called Koohaas and even thought they has a woman modeling it, it would work well for a man also. That has to be the next project, as I keep getting reminded that I never make anything for him. (I made him a really nice blanket that the dogs just LOVE!) I’ve also started a scarf for my daughters teacher. It’s a pencil and is too cute. The pattern is for knitting, but I have done so much knitting lately that I took the ideal and turned it into a crochet pattern. I don’t know if I can call it my own, but I guess I only took the ideal and not the pattern, so if it turns out I’ll post the pattern on here.

I hope everyone will stay around this year and see what happens.

Happy New Year!!